It seems to get harder as you are playing I say dont buy this game
It seems to get harder as you are playing I say dont buy this game
What else can I say? This game is really fun, amazing, and addicting! The only thing Id suggest is more levels, but besides that, 5/5 stars!!
This game is so fun but I dont find it that much addicting!???!?
Its really addicting like I said to myself "Ok last time." But then when I lost I kept playing and playing and playing. Its just really addictive, hard but addictive.
What if I was makin a game and I called it, Whale Free awesome fun addicting games play free on iOS? Thats too long! And Im on the hunt for things like this.
Im really not addicted to it but is hard and really dont like it but it gives me something to do so I give it a 3 star review
Its fun.
Muito bom
This is like the best game its REALLY AWESOME trust me
Ummm its pretty good…
Pretty sweet game overall, entertaining.
Very good games
Great !!!!
The only is that it is to easy but or else its awesome
I love this game
This game is awesome.
This game is super fun
i like it but only when i am like tots bored. so i meant to rate this game tots 3.5 but idk how to do like tots so. do you?? actually maybe a 3.
Preatty good really challenging